MS Excel File Properties Changer
MS Excel File Properties Changer is an application that will help you quickly view and change the Microsoft Office Excel file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes, and also in the statistics tab.
You can view and change Summary Information metadata, include:
Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, Catagory, Source, Revision Number, Last Saved By, Manager, Company, Create Time/Date, Last saved Time/Date, Total Editing Time, Last Printed
You can view and change file date-time stamps, include:
Created Time, Modify Time, Last Access Time
You can view and change file attributes,include:
Read-only, Archive, Hidden, Not in Content index
You can change all the properties in statistics tab of MS Office Excel. Such as: Created, Modified, Accessed, printed, Revision number, Total editing Time. Modified, Accessed in statistics tab are same as the DOS date time. You can change the File Date Time as you like.